The Collection Call (cont’d)

Transitioning to the Payment Arrangement:

  • Collectors must learn how to direct the customer’s attention toward payment
  • A transition statement can be used to link the solution with a desire the customer has expressed
  • Emphasize the use of voice tone to convey to the customer an interest in helping resolve the situation: and do not compromise

Handling Objections:

  • An objection takes many forms, but is almost always either a stalling technique or a subtle request for more information; and
  • Approach this stage of the call as a salesperson selling the merits of resolving the account

Closing the Call:

  • Always closing the call with help avoid confusion and excuses later
  •  A proper closure ensures that the collector and the customer are agreeing to exactly the same things
  • The collector simply summarizes the terms of the payment arrangement, obtains the customer’s commitment to the arrangement and thanks the customer for his/her commitment


  • Collectors must understand that an account is not current until the overdue amount is received
  • Follow-ups should include keeping a detailed record of payment arrangements, prompt file updates so another collector can handle the account and immediate callback if a deadline is not met.